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- ========================================================================
- v1.2 12 Mar 98
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fixed bug in DrawPatchIndirectFlipped() in v_video.c that caused crash
- in DOOM2 Finale.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Applied bug patches from Cyril Deble for rotatemap and maponhu. Use
- 'z' to cycle through map types.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DIRECTCGX and DEH weren't recognised as tooltypes. Fixed in
- amiga_main.c.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added support for Graffiti gfx adaptor in amiga_video.c and
- amiga_main.c using graffiti.library. New options -graffiti (for
- 320x256) and -graffiti2 (for 640x256, AGA only). I can't test these
- options properly because I don't have a Graffiti board.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Made bug-fix to R_DrawPlanes() in amiga_draw.s as suggested by Arto
- Huusko. Fixes glitch with first sky column.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Attempted to implement Graffiti support using graffiti.library in
- amiga_video.c and v_video.c. New options -graffiti (320x256) and
- -graffiti2 (640x256, AGA only). I'm told, however, that it doesn't
- work, perhaps because of the Window that is opened for IDCMP input.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Explicitly set topaz8 font. The -fps option may have crashed before
- if a larger font was used and text overflowed the bitmap.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Translate keys '<' to ',' and '>' to '.' so SHIFT and strafe work at
- the same time. Numeric keys '1'..'9' and '0' are translated directly
- from the raw keycode instead of using MapRawKey() so you don't need
- SHIFT to change weapons on French keyboards. The DEL key is now the
- same as F11 (change gamma) instead of KEY_BACKSPACE.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changed "if (french)" to "if (language==french)" in several places in
- wi_stuff.c and hu_stuff.c because french is always 1. This appears to
- have fixed problems with cooperative network play beyond level 1 and
- also keymap translation for messages in network play.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fixed bug in st_stuff.c that caused IDCLEVnn cheat to fail with
- commercial WADs. (Variable epsd was set to 0 instead of 1.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Split amiga_draw.s into several files: amiga_draw.s; amiga_things.s;
- amiga_segs.s; amiga_data.s; amiga_sight.s; amiga_plane.s.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Applied patches supplied by Arto Huusko to several amiga_*.s routines.
- Added some more assembly routines from Arto too.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changed smakefile to assemble *.s files with PhxAss v4.37 instead of
- with Macro68 and asm. Made minor changes to several *.s files so they
- assembled with PhxAss, e.g, QUAD directive -> CNOP 0,4.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added -rawkey option in amiga_video.c for translating keys the old way
- with a static table.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Replaced amiga_sound.c with version from Joe Fenton which LoadSeg()s a
- separate ADoom_SndSrvr module for music and sound effects. This
- module does proper stereo panning with sound effects and can play up
- to 16 sounds at once. The file amiga_music.c is no longer used.
- ========================================================================
- v1.1 20 Feb 98
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- values. They took up too much memory and often caused structures to be
- allocated in chipmem, slowing the game down.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Explicitly declare KeymapBase in amiga_video.c and explicitly open and
- close keymap.library. Otherwise SAS/C tries to open v38 of
- keymap.library (because __oslibversion == 38 in amiga_main.c) and this
- fails in OS3.0 which comes with only v37 of keymap.library.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Increased MAXSPECIALCROSS in p_enemy.c from 8 to 20 to match p_map.c.
- (With the original value of 8, array indices go out of bounds in
- p_map.c.)
- ========================================================================
- v1.0 19 Feb 98
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changed amiga_video.c to pre-calculate amiga colourtables for all
- possible palettes for a given gamma level. Added new routine
- I_RecalcPalettes(). Added another argument to I_SetPalette(). Change
- all places where I_SetPalette() is called and also where usegamma is
- modified. Fixed bug with colour 0.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added support for different display resolutions. Added -width and
- -height options in v_video.c. SCREENWIDTH and SCREENHEIGHT are now
- variables. All static arrays with size dependent on SCREENWIDTH and
- SCREENHEIGHT are now dynamically allocated. In particular,
- openings[], floorclip[], ceilingclip[], spanstart[], spanstop[],
- yslope[], distscale[], cachedheight[], cacheddistance[],
- cachedxstep[], cachedystep[], xtoviewangle[], negonearray[],
- screenheightarray[], ylookup[], ylookup2[], columnofs[] and
- FUZZOFFSET[] are now pointers instead of arrays. Dynamically
- initialise FUZZOFFSET[] table. Also the top[] and bottom[] arrays in
- visplane_t are now pointers to shorts instead of arrays of bytes. Row
- index no longer fits in a byte. Changed many lea instructions in
- amiga_draw.s to movea.l instructions to handle pointers instead of
- arrays.
- Many occurrances of SCREENWIDTH and SCREENHEIGHT changed to 320 and
- 200 respectively because they refer to, e.g, fixed data read from
- file. On the other hand, many constants changed to formulas involving
- SCREENWIDTH and SCREENHEIGHT because they deal with display offsets.
- Added V_DrawPatchInDirect() and V_DrawPatchInDirectFlipped() functions
- to v_video.c which stretch a patch while rendering to display. Used
- these for stretching init/help/finale screens and for stretching icons
- and text.
- Modified R_DrawViewBorder() in r_draw.c to draw border around sides of
- status bar.
- Many of the ideas and code snippets for high resolution modes came
- from v0.47 of DOSDOOM, a DOS port of LinuxDOOM by Chi Hoang
- (cyhoang@acs.ucalgary.ca).
- Modified C2P routines to handle large displays. Chip buffers are now
- dynamically allocated in amiga_video.c. Very long blits are split
- into smaller blits that the blitter can cope with.
- Changed the vertical scale for rendering the sky so it doesn't "wrap
- around" in high resolution modes. New variable: pspriteiscale2.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added dehacked.c from Cyril Deble <Cyril.Deble@inforoute.cgs.fr> for
- parsing .DEH format patch files. Called from d_main.c.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Rewrote keyboard handling routine. Now call keymap.library
- MapRawKey() for raw keycodes < 0x40. Translate numeric keypad keys to
- different codes.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Call cybergraphics.library BestCModeIDTags() to find best mode (if
- cybergraphics.library was successfully opened).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added I_MarkRect() to amiga_video.c to record dirtybox. Every
- rendering function that used to call V_MarkRect() now calls
- I_MarkRect() to record the rectangle that was dirtied. The main 3D
- viewwindow is the only thing not so marked. I_FinishUpdate() uses
- this information to minimise the amount of copying with WPA8() or
- C2P(). (Unfortunately most C2P routines still convert the entire
- display because they don't handle offset and modulo.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Had another go at getting -directcgx working properly with
- double-buffering. Double-buffering uses a double-height Screen and
- ScrollVPort(), not ChangeScreenBuffer(). Not everyone has the latest
- version of CyberGraphX which supports ChangeScreenBuffer() yet.
- The main problem I had before is that I forgot to recalculate the
- ylookup[] and ylookup2[] arrays of screen addresses whenever the
- buffer flipped. So ADoom always rendered the 3D view into the same
- buffer.
- At the end of each frame with -directcgx, the dirtybox is copied to
- the other buffer with ClipBlit(). That's because text, icons, status
- bar, etc, must be rendered into both buffers. The 3D viewwindow is
- not copied unless it falls within the dirtybox. Hopefully ClipBlit()
- uses the gfx-card's blitter because both the src and dest are in the
- CyberGraphX Window.
- I'm still stymied at being unable to read displayed information back
- from a CyberGraphX Window, as is done by the wipe routine at the start
- of each level (I_ReadScreen()). ReadPixelArray8() from the hidden
- part of a CyberGraphX Window seems to return junk. Is this a bug in
- cybergraphics.library? LockBitMapTags() followed by memcpy() from the
- framebuffer also seems to return junk. Is the GVP Spectrum 28/24
- framebuffer write-only?
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added several hand-optimised assembly replacements for various C
- routines to amiga_draw.s as emailed to me by Arto Huusko
- <arto.huusko@pp.qnet.fi>. This resulted in a significant overrall
- speed improvement. Modified his routines for variable display
- resolution.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Increased some constants to allow much more complex WADs to be
- handled, e.g, MAXVISSPRITES: 128->1024, MAXDRAWSEGS: 256->1024,
- MAXVISPLANES: 128->1024. Hopefully that didn't increase memory
- requirements too much.
- ========================================================================
- v0.9 7 Feb 98
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Patched wi_stuff.c and st_lib.c to work if WIMINUS and STTMINUS lumps
- are missing from WAD file. Those lumps are missing from some early
- registered doom wads.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added -rtg, -native and -ehb options in amiga_video.c in case
- autodetection fails.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Increased priority of double-buffering subtask in amiga_video.c from 5
- to 100.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added call to chkabort() in P_LookForPlayers() in p_enemy.c so it's
- possible to break out of loop when try to play incompatible demo in
- registered doom.wad v1.10 with -forcedemo.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added code for raw network protocol over NULL-modem serial cable in
- amiga_net.c
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Made some optimisations to amiga_fixed.s as suggested by Gerald
- Schnabel <Gerri@studbox.uni-stuttgart.de>.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Applied patches to am_map.c supplied by Cyril Deble to fix bugs with
- -rotatemap and -maponhu.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changed LONG() and SHORT() macros to SWAPLONG() and SWAPSHORT()
- respectively throughout all *.c and m_swap.h files to avoid conflict
- with Amiga includes.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added -cpu <cpu>, -rtg, -native and -ehb options and corresponding
- tooltypes for overriding default autodetection.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- W_AddFile() and W_Reload() in w_wad.c were free()ing memory using a
- fileinfo pointer that had been incremented after the fileinfo was
- malloc()ed. Thanks to Frank Wille and Joe Fenton for spotting this.
- Fixed. Also applied patches to amiga_median.c and amiga_video.c
- supplied by Frank Wille.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Moved FPS counter from top-left corner of display to top right in
- amiga_video.s.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added SEGA controller code from Joe Fenton. Changes to amiga_video.c
- and amiga_main.c. New file amiga_sega.s.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Renamed mmu.* to amiga_mmu.*. Include amiga_mmu.i in source
- distribution. (Was accidently left out before.) Renamed macros.h to
- amiga_macros.h.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Applied patches to I_SetPalette() in amiga_video.c as supplied by
- Jeroen T. Vermeulen <jtv@xs4all.nl>.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added ylookup2[] table to d_draw.c and used it to speed up column and
- span rendering routines in amiga_draw.s slightly. Thanks to Danny
- Robinson <dannyr@pangea.ca> for suggesting this.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added IPX protocol support to amiga_net.c to use G.J. Peltenburg's
- amipx.library. Made changes to d_net.c for calculating PC-compatible
- packet checksums. Added -forceversion and -pcchecksum options.
- ========================================================================
- v0.8 22 Jan 98
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changed amiga_video.c to use timer.device and ReadEClock() for timing
- instead of SAS/C timer() function. Resorted to floating-point
- arithmetic for converting eclocks to microseconds at the end, so now
- compile with MATH=IEEE.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lowered volume of music in amiga_music.s, got rid of clicks. Also
- lowered volume of sound effects in amiga_sound.c. Only the lower half
- of the volume control was being used before.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now compile with OPTSCHEDULE sc option.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added code to amiga_video.c for -fps option for displaying frames per
- second in top-left corner.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- For 68040/68060 + AGA, now use comparison buffer C2P routine if window
- is smaller than SCREENSIZE-64, else use non-comparison buffer C2P.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Disabled "S_StartSoundAtVolume: 16bit and not pre-cached - wtf?" msg
- in s_sound.c with -nosfx.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added -heapsize option in amiga_system.c for specifying zone size in
- kilobytes.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Rewrote R_RenderSegLoop() (in r_segs.c) in assembly language (to
- amiga_draw.s) and hand-optimised it a bit.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fixed (harmless) missing #endif in d_main.c.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- There appears to be a bug in r_things.c. The code:
- check = namelist;
- while (*check != NULL)
- check++;
- scans for a NULL which doesn't exist on the end of the namelist array
- (unless you're lucky --- it's just whatever comes after the array in
- memory). Fixed by making the sprnames[] array 1 element longer in
- info.c and info.h and initialising the last element to NULL. I wonder
- if this fixed the "PNAMES not found" bug.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Compiled everything with DATA=NEAR. This involved finding the dozen
- or so largest data structures throughout all files and declaring them
- with FAR, so the remainder fitted within 64kb. Added the following
- lines to doomdef.h:
- #ifdef __SASC
- #define FAR __far
- #else
- #define FAR
- #endif
- Added #include "doomdef.h" to several files to get the FAR definition.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Applied patch supplied by Aki to DrawColumn_060() in amiga_draw.s to
- fix problem with red stairs and random pixels on 68060.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changed most routines in amiga_draw.s to use near A4-relative
- addressing of variables. Couldn't figure out how to do this with
- Macro68 (because DT base for A4 is external) so used SAS/C asm
- instead. Had to convert back to old syntax and manually optimise
- branches.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Applied patches supplied by Cyril Deble to d_main.c and am_map.c for
- new -rotatemap and -maponhu options.
- ========================================================================
- v0.7 16 Jan 98
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 0.6 had a serious bug in c2p8_040_amlaukka.s which caused
- crashes on 68040+AGA and 68060+AGA machines. Fixed with patch
- supplied by Aki Laukkanen.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 0.6 had a serious bug in the use_mmu cleanup code which caused
- crashes one exit when -mmu or MMU was used. Fixed with patch supplied
- by Aki Laukkanen.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Commenting out the Macro68 debug statements in the *.s files made the
- executable much smaller.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The TURBO tooltype (whatever it is) isn't a flag, it takes an
- argument. Fixed this in amiga_main.c. Thanks to Thomas Aglassinger
- <agi@rieska.oulu.fi> for spotting this bug.
- ========================================================================
- v0.6 15 Jan 98
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Applied patches to amiga_music.s as supplied by Joe Fenton.
- Also added code to set correct frequency for PAL or NTSC instead of
- assuming NTSC.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Applied patches to column and span drawing routines in amiga_draw.s as
- supplied by Aki Laukkanen. This fixed all the bright dots scattered
- around floors and ceilings, and the red stairs at the start. Disabled
- various routines in r_draw.c, r_segs.c and r_things.c that are
- replaced by routines in amiga_draw.s.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now use FPU for FixedMul() on 68060. Joe Fenton says "2 FP multiplies
- beat the hell out of 4 word multiplies, plus the associated adds and
- swaps". Added SetFPMode() routine to amiga_fixed.s to set FPU
- rounding mode to "round towards minus infinity". Otherwise WAD demos
- got out of step and went wrong when using FPU for multiply.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In p_map.c, undid the patch I made in version 0.0 by changing line:
- if (ld->special && numspechit < MAXSPECIALCROSS)
- back to:
- if (ld->special)
- Instead added code in p_map.c and p_enemy.c to check bounds of all
- spechit[] array accesses. With MAXSPECIALCROSS == 8, got lots of
- array out of bounds accesses, especially in 2nd level of DOOM II.
- Changed MAXSPECIALCROSS from 8 to 20. That got rid of them.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- After several hours of stepping through with CPR, finally found and
- fixed the bug that made the Doom II "Dead Simple" level impossible to
- complete. For the function pointer comparison in the line:
- if (th->function.acp1 != (actionf_p1)P_MobjThinker)
- in p_enemy.c, SAS/C generated code which compared acp1 with the
- address of the ALV (JMP instruction) for P_MobjThinker() instead of
- the address of the P_MobjThinker() function itself. Thus the test
- always failed, even when the function pointers were the same. Fixed
- by compiling everything with ABSFUNCPOINTER.
- I reported this to Steve Krueger at SAS. He replied:
- "It's not a bug, but rather a limitation of the CODE=NEAR model. We
- even document this in the manual, and provide an option to work around
- it if you still want to use CODE=NEAR. Check the manual for
- information on the ABSFUNCTIONPOINTER option.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Found and fixed the crash on exit bug when music is enabled. Register
- a0 wasn't initialised to _custom in FreeChannels() in amiga_music.s.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added -nosfx option and tooltype for disabling sound effects and
- leaving audio channels free.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added Aki Laukkanen's code to amiga_video.c for marking screens[0] and
- the video raster as "imprecise" with the MMU when the -mmu option is
- specified. This should create a slight speedup for 68060.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Started adding code for -directcgx option for rendering directly to
- framebuffer of any video card running CyberGraphX. Discovered it
- flickers badly and needs double or triple-buffering. Started adding
- code for double-buffering, but didn't get logic for interaction with
- I_ReadScreen() right. Still haven't got LockBitMapTags() and
- UnLockBitMap() called from the right places, so sometimes tries to
- write to framebuffer (screens[0]) while not locked. This may corrupt
- other screens if you flip or drag screens while running with
- -directcgx.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Applied patches from Aki Laukkanen to get low detail mode working.
- This included substantial changes to amiga_draw.s and r_draw.c. The
- assembly routines Aki supplied for R_DrawFuzzColumn(),
- R_DrawFuzzColumnLow(), R_DrawTranslatedColumn() and
- R_DrawTranslatedColumnLow() didn't appear to work right, so reverted
- to C versions in r_draw.c.
- ========================================================================
- v0.5 8 Jan 98
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added music code in amiga_music.s based on Joseph Fenton .MUS player.
- Changed amiga_sound.s to use only 2 channels for sound effects when
- music is enabled, and 4 channels when music is disabled. Added
- MIDI_Instruments and MIDI_Instruments.s to archive. MIDI_Instruments.s
- isn't actually used, but it's helpful for understanding the instrument
- format.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added Aki Laukkanen's latest 68040 and 68060-optimised column and span
- renderers in amiga_draw.s. Modified r_main.c and r_draw.h to handle
- different DrawColumn_040(), DrawColumn_060(), DrawSpan_040() and
- DrawSpan_060(). Aki sent me some more fast C2P and MMU routines but I
- haven't got those working yet.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The call to BestModeID() in amiga_video.c had an unterminated taglist.
- Fixed.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added Aki's 68060 versions of FixedMul() and FixedDiv() in amiga_fixed.s.
- 68060 FixedDiv uses FPU. If there is no FPU, fall back to 68040 version.
- Added code to select appropriate routines in amiga_main.c.
- Changed FixedMul() definitions in m_fixed.h to look like this:
- extern fixed_t (*FixedMul) (fixed_t a, fixed_t b);
- extern fixed_t (*FixedDiv) (fixed_t a, fixed_t b);
- fixed_t FixedMul_040 (fixed_t a, fixed_t b);
- fixed_t FixedMul_060 (fixed_t a, fixed_t b);
- fixed_t FixedDiv_040 (fixed_t a, fixed_t b);
- fixed_t FixedDiv_060fpu (fixed_t a, fixed_t b);
- /* fixed_t FixedDiv2 (fixed_t a, fixed_t b); */
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added code to amiga_video.c to check version numbers before trying to
- call BestModeID() and put up a screenmode requester. Explicitly
- declared LowLevelBase so it doesn't try and autoopen lowlevel.library.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fixed I_WaitVBL() in amiga_video.c to call WaitTOF(). It's only
- called on exit to delay long enough to hear the final sound effect.
- ========================================================================
- v0.4
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Gamma correction wasn't working in ECS mode. Fixed in I_Palette()
- in amiga_video.c.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I think I finally found the cause of the 80000003 crash on exit. It
- was caused by 2 missing commas in the initialisation strings for
- endmsg[] in dstrings.c following the strings: "go ahead and leave. see
- if i care." and "you're lucky i don't smack\nyou for thinking about
- leaving.". Fixed.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added 68020/30 optimised C2P routine in c2p_020.s. Use blitter for
- final passes which means double-buffering is required to eliminate
- otherwise severe flicker. Implemented double-buffering for all planar
- modes in amiga_video.c.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Found that the last QBlit() pass finished while the main program was
- in the middle of 3D rendering. This meant the ChangeScreenBuffer()
- call was delayed until the end of rendering. The program felt very
- sluggish, even though the frame-rate was higher than before because
- there was a much longer delay between pressing a key and seeing the
- result happen on the screen. To solve this I created a new subtask
- which simply calls ChangeScreenBuffer() in a loop when signalled from
- the QBlit() cleanup function. This way the main engine is interrupted
- to call ChangeScreenBuffer() at the earliest opportunity. Extensive
- changes are in amiga_video.c.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Gabry (ggreco@iol.it) emailed me some CD32 joypad handling code. I
- included it in amiga_video.c (disabled by default) but I can't test
- it. To enable it, use the -joypad option or JOYPAD tooltype.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Several people sent me faster replacements for R_DrawColumn() and
- R_DrawSpan() in amiga_draw.s, but so far only one of them worked
- right.
- ========================================================================
- v0.3
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Low detail code doesn't work, so disabled detail level toggle in
- m_menu.c. Previously setting low detail and then resizing screen
- corrupted graphics.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added ClearPointer() call before CloseWindow() in amiga_video.c.
- Let's see if that fixes the crash on exit. Hmm, seems OK after about
- a dozen runs. Perhaps it was a bug in CyberGraphX. ... nope, just
- got another 80000003 crash on exit :(
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added code to get ProgramName in amiga_main.c. Added definition of
- ProgramName in m_args.h and m_args.c.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Allocated space for myargv[] in amiga_main.c and copy argv[] across.
- Parse icon tooltypes and convert to additional entries in myargv[]
- and myargc.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added -screenmode option to set ScreenMode in amiga_video.c
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added -forcedemo option in g_game.c to force demos to play even if
- the version number doesn't match.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changed handling of $HOME in d_main.c to append a '/' if it doesn't
- already end in a '/' or a ':'.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added trailing slashes to definitions of DEVMAPS and DEVDATA in
- dstrings.h.
- #define DEVMAPS "devmaps/"
- #define DEVDATA "devdata/"
- ========================================================================
- v0.2 1 Jan 1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changed zone management code to allocate between 2Mb and 6Mb instead
- of always 6Mb. ADoom should now work on Amigas with less memory.
- Check result of allocation. Previous version crashed if 6Mb malloc
- failed.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changed handling of HOME environment variable in d_main.c
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Amiga doesn't have F11 and F12 keys. Changed amiga_video.c to map
- the '[' and ']' keys to F11 and F12. Now gamma correction works.
- Also fixed keypad '+'.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added joystick code using gameport device in amiga_video.c. Changed
- m_misc.c to enable usejoystick.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Added AmiTCP networking support by writing a new version of
- amiga_net.c based on i_net.c for Linux. Successfully worked to a PC
- running Linux with DOOM compiled from the released DOOM sources.
- Performance was really bad, with lots of jerking, even on ethernet.
- Tried improving performance by making sends non-blocking as well as
- recvs. AmiTCP 4.3 appears to return errno==EINVAL instead of
- errno=EWOULDBLOCK for non-blocking recvfrom() and non-blocking
- sendto() --- seems pretty weird to me, or have I done something wrong?
- ========================================================================
- v0.1 30 Dec 97
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Open audio.device on 4 channels and play sound effects in
- amiga_sound.c. Cache up to 12 sound effects in chipmem at a time.
- All other sound effects are cached in fastmem. Audio period is still
- not calculated correctly from pitch. Separation (balance) is ignored,
- so 3D sound effects are not right. Changed s_sound.c to pass channel
- number (cnum) to I_StartSound(). Changed m_misc.c to set 4 channels
- instead of 3.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Deleted calls to I_UpdateSound() and I_SubmitSound() in d_main.c
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Stripped 68040-optimised AGA and ECS(EHB) C2P routines out of Flick
- v1.5 and linked them into amiga_video.c. Changed "dirty_list"
- mechanism to a comparison buffer instead. Added amiga_median.c for
- calculating best EHB palette and 8-bit -> 6-bit colour xlate table.
- Changed EHB C2P routine to handle colour translate table (probably not
- entirely efficiently). These routines are not quite state-of-the-art
- (e.g, old merge macro) but they are not bad either. Linked in 68020-
- and Akiko-optimised routines too, but they are not called yet.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Made a minor optimisation speedup to R_DrawColumn().
- ========================================================================
- v0.0 28 Dec 97
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wrote amiga_main.c, amiga_system, amiga_sound.c, amiga_video.c,
- amiga_net.c and smakefile to replace i_main.c, i_system, i_sound.c,
- i_video.c, i_net.c and Makefile respectively. The amiga_sound and
- amiga_net routines are dummies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Amiga is big-endian. Compiled with DEFINE=__BIG_ENDIAN__. It looks
- like the code hasn't been tested with __BIG_ENDIAN__ for a while. The
- test in m_swap.c for whether swap routines should be included was
- around the wrong way. SwapSHORT() returned an int instead of an
- unsigned short.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fixed point arithmetic routines in m_fixed.c used (long long) 64-bit
- datatype not available in SAS/C. Replaced with assembly routines in
- amiga_fixed.s. Added check for divide by 0 in FixedDiv() because
- Amiga crashes on divide by 0.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Unix function alloca() was called from r_data.c, w_wad.c and some
- other files. I replaced with calls to malloc() and added calls to
- free() where each routine returns.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changed the cache routines in w_wad.c to use the more efficient
- fopen(), fread(), fseek(), fclose() instead of open(), read(),
- lseek(), close(). Changed handles from (int) to (FILE *) everywhere
- including lumpinfo_t structure in w_wad.h. Fixed the filelength()
- function to align stat structure on 4-byte boundary. Used SAS/C
- fileno() function to get file number from (FILE *).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In d_main.c, changed the handling of slashes and double-dots in
- filenames to Amiga conventions.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Moved definition of RANGECHECK from doomdef.h to smakefile. Disabled
- SNDSERV and SNDINTR in doomdef.h.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SAS/C 6.58 appeared to generate bad code for the line:
- offsetangle = abs(rw_normalangle-rw_angle1);
- in r_segs.c, resulting in corrupted graphics. This took me hours to
- track down. Putting printf() instructions before and after, the code
- calulated abs(1073741824-1927746431)=1073741824 instead of the correct
- answer of 854004607. As far as I could see, it was using the stdlib.h
- definition of abs(), which looks fine. As a workaround, I changed
- abs() to iabs() (SAS/C function) throughout in all sources.
- On 5 Jan 98, Michael van Elst <mlelstv@serpens.swb.de> offered the
- following explanation:
- >It doesn't. It is an artefact of ANSI C. rw_normalangle is defined
- >as unsigned, rw_angle1 is defined as int. The result of the difference
- >is therefore unsigned. You need something like:
- >
- > offsetangle = abs((int)rw_normalangle - (int)rw_angle1);
- >or offsetangle = abs((long)rw_normalangle - (long)rw_angle1);
- >
- >and make sure that rw_normalangle fits into the positive int or
- >long values.
- >[...]
- >gcc probably doesn't use the macro but an abs(int) function. You
- >get the same with SAS/C if you #undef abs.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Got READ enforcer hits in p_enemy.c at the line:
- ld = spechit[numspechit];
- Crashed badly shortly afterwards if Enforcer was not running. As far
- as I can tell, the variable numspechit should be in the range 0..7.
- Somehow numspechit gets the value 149551680 (0x8e9fa40). Without
- really knowing what I was doing, I attempted to fix the problem by
- changing the line:
- if (ld->special)
- in p_map.c to:
- if (ld->special && numspechit < MAXSPECIALCROSS)
- So far it seems to work.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Disassembled R_DrawColumn() and R_DrawSpan() with OMD, created
- amiga_draw.s and hand-optimised a bit.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Program still often crashes on exit :(
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------